Ren-Jean Liou(劉仁俊)





(Academic staff)


Ren-Jean Liou


Associate Professor


Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Colorado State University

Research Interests/


Digital Signal/Image Processing,

Communication Systems

Computer Systems


Phone或Extension No

08-7663800 ext. 32668


Journal Papers

  1. Ren-Jean Liou, Mu-Song Chen, 2017, The Resolution and Performance Analysis of Digital Beaforming in Circular Array Antennas. Wulfenia Journal, 24(9). (SCI)
  2. Ren-Jean Liou, 2016, Ultrasonic Signal Reconstruction Using Compressed Sensing. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 855, 165-170.
  3. Juping Wu and Ren-Jean Liou (2014). Does Noise Matter on Hedging Effectiveness? Evidence from Taiwan. YMC management Review, 7(1).
  4. Chih-Feng Chao, Ming-Huwi Horng* and Ren-Jean Liou (2012, Dec). Honey bee mating optimization for training basis function network in ultrasonic supraspinatus image classification. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 5(12), 72-77. (EI). NSC 100-2221-E-251-012.
  5. Ming-Huwi Horng*, Ming-Chi Lee, and Ren-Jean Liou (2012, May). Firefly Algorithm for Training the Radial Basis Function Network for Data Classifications. Advanced Science Letters, P.755-P.758. (EI). NSC 100-2221-E-251-012.
  6. Ming-Huwi Horng*, Ren-Jean Liou (2011, Dec). Multilevel Minimum Cross Entropy Threshold Selection Based On The Firefly Algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 38, no. 12, pp. 14805-14811. (SCI, 41/245, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence). NSC 99-2221-E-251-007.
  7. Ming-Huwi Horng*, Ren-Jean Liou, and Jun Wu (2010, Oct). Parametric Active Contour Model By Using The Honey Bee Mating Optimization. Expert System with Applications, vol. 37, no. 10, pp.7015-7025. (SCI, 41/245, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence). NSC 98-2221-E-251-004.
  8. Ching-Tai Chiang*, Ren-Jean Liou, Shyh-Neng Lin, Nan-Yang Yen (2010, Jul). BER Analysis of OFDM Systems with Antenna Arrays for Interference Reduction. Bulletin of National Pingtung Institute of Commerce, vol. 12, pp. 23-36. (其它).
  9. Ren-Jean (2007, Dec). SUB-BAND DCT FEATURES FOR IMAGE COMPRESSION. Journal of Computer Science and Application, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 169-178. NSC 95-2221-E-251-002.
  10. 吳如萍,劉仁俊*(2013年07月)。雜訊對台灣股價指數期貨最適避險比率之影響。國立屏東商業技術學院學報,15(1), 207-226。本人為通訊作者。

Book Articales

  1. Ming-Huwi Horng, Yun-Xiang Lee, Ming-Chi Lee and Ren-Jean Liou. Firefly Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Training the Radial Basis Function Network for Data Classification and Disease Diagnosis. Theory and New Applications of Swarm Intelligence. New York, USA: InTech Books and Journals. Mar, 2012: P.115-P.132. NSC 100-2221-E-251-012.

Conference Papers

  1. Ren-Jean Liou, Zong-Hong Hong (2019, Nov). Processing and Analysis of Mobile Signal Measurement Data. 2019 The International Conference on Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan.
  2. 劉仁俊、蔡和宗(201812月)。農業物聯網與技術教育推廣。第四屆兩岸農村治理學術研討會:農村再造與教育啟航議程,屏東。(The Agricultural IoT and Promotion of Technical Education)
  3. Ren-Jean Liou, Yao-Cheng Yang and Kai-Hsiang Shih (2018, Aug). Remote Control of Humanoid Robot by Hand Gesture Recognition. 31st IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing, ChiaYi, Taiwan, ROC.
  4. Ren-Jean Liou, Shi-Yan Zhou, Jia-Liang Liu, Zong-Hong Hong, and Ho-Tsung Tsai (2018, Jul). Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring for Hydroponics and Aquaculture Using IoT System. 2018 URU International Conference on Science and Technology, Uttaradit, Thailand.
  5. Ren-Jean Liou, Kuang-Chien Kao and Chin-Yong Yeh (2017, Sep). Detection and sizing of circular hole flaws in ultrasonic images using wavelet transform and SAFT. 56th Annual British Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (NDT 2017).
  6. 段翔宜,吳釗慧,葉文慈,吳姿誼,劉仁俊(201706月)。無人機之自動充電系統。2017數位生活科技研討會。(Automated Recharging System for Flying Drone)
  7. 張志嘉、張鈺欣、張哲語、劉仁俊(201705月)。互動式穿戴裝置跑酷遊戲設計。第十六屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會。(Interactive Wearable Device for Parkour Game Design)
  8. Ren-Jean Liou (2016, Aug). Ultrasonic Signal Reconstruction Using Compressed Sensing. URU International Conference on Science and Technology (URUICST2016).
  9. 鍾政桓, 王世明, 王譽霖, 林嘉宏, 劉仁俊(201606月)。智慧型電風扇。2016數位生活科技研討會(2016 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies),屏東。(Intelligent Fan)
  10. Ren-Jean LIOU, Jennifer E. MICHAELS (2015, Oct). Interpolation Analysis of Ultrasonic Guided Wave Signals in the Temperature Domain. VIIIth International Workshop NDT in Progress, Prague, Czech Republic,
  11. 張方孺, 王佳勳, 劉仁俊(201505月)。智慧型藍芽無段溫控風扇。第十四屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會,台灣澎湖。(Intelligent Fan Using Bluetooth and Temperature Control)
  12. Ren-Jean Liou, Kuang-Chien Kao and Chin-Yung Yeh, (2014, Dec). Evaluation of Crack Flaws in Ultrasonic Imaging. International Computer Symposium.
  13. Jennifer E. Michaels, Ren-Jean Liou, Jason P. Zutty, and Thomas E. Michaels (2011, Nov). On The Interpolation of Ultrasonic Guided Wave Signals. Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation.
  14. Shyh-Neng Lin*, Shiunn-Jang Chern, Ching-Tai Chiang, Ren-Jean Liou, Nan-Yang Yen (2009, Dec). Smart Antennas with Adaptive Threshold Scheme for DS-CDMA Code Acquisition. Proceedings of 2009 National Symposium on Telecommunications.
  15. Ming-Huwi Horng, Jin-Yi Chen, Ren-Jean Liou (2009, Aug). Honey Bee Mating Optimization Scheme for Active Contour Model. the Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems. NSC 97-2221-E-251-001.
  16. Ren-Jean Liou, Ming-Huwi Horng, Ting-Wei Jiang (2009, Aug). Multi-level Thresholding Selection by Using the Honey Bee Mating Optimization. the Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems.
  17. 劉仁俊 (2008, Jul). Quadtree Image Compression Using Sub-band DCT Features and Kohonen Neural Networks. ICALIP 2008.
  18. 何萬駿、黃文聖、劉仁俊*,(2014年05月)。多合一醫療訊號量測APP開發。第十三屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會。屏東。
  19. 王一帆,曾耀慶,廖偉智,劉仁俊*(2011年06月)。心電圖與血壓量測之遠距醫療照護系統製作。第六屆智慧生活科技研討會,台中。NSC 99-2815-C-251-010-E。